
Action Combinations

The actions are combined in action combinations (AC) according to the criteria described in the standard. An action combination describes all possibilities for superimposing the load cases contained in the action - not to be confused with a load combination, which represents only a single variant of these possibilities.

When the tab is activated, the action combinations are generated according to the standard's combination rules. They are listed by design situations.

The 'Action Combination Name' is a short description. It is based on the safety factors and symbols of the actions and reflects the combination rules.

If you have activated the Combination names according to action category check box in the 'Base' tab, the names are displayed with the descriptions of the action categories.

The Active check box controls whether the selected action combination is considered for the generation of load combinations.


In the Main tab, you can check the 'Design situation', which is the basis of each action combination.


In the Assignment tab, you can check the actions that are included in the action combination and according to which criteria they are combined.

Assigned for AC

The table columns show the actions with corresponding partial safety and combination factors. The values given in the 'Factor' column are based on the coefficients according to the standard. For EN 1990, they are the partial safety factors γ, the combination factors ψ, the reduction factors ξ, and, if applicable, the reliability factors KFI of the action. They are applied depending on the design situation and action category.

If an action according to EN 1990 acts as 'Leading' in the combination, it is marked accordingly. It is taken into account as action Qk,1 in the combination expressions.

Generated Load Combinations

This dialog section is filled during the generation, which is performed when switching to the 'Load Combinations' tab. The entries represent the numbers of the load combinations generated for the current action combination.