
Adjusting the Color and Display of Objects

You can quickly change an object's display by using its shortcut menu: To do this, right-click the object (point, line, element, etc.). Use the Display Properties to open the dialog box with the display parameters of the object (see Dialog Box image027561 Display Properties ).

The 'Display Properties' dialog box can also be opened on the Options menu.

The settings are managed separately for the display on the 'Screen' and in the 'Report'. Thus, separate adjustments for the monitor graphic and for the printout are possible. Use the Synchronizing button to synchronize the display properties for the screen and report.

The 'Category' navigator shows all graphical objects in a directory tree. To change the display properties of a category, select the corresponding entry. Then, you can adjust the object-specific display parameters in the main dialog section: Color, line display, type and arrangement of numbering, font, etc.


The black background is set by default. If you change the background color to white, it is recommended to also adjust light standard objects accordingly.

Saving and Importing GUI Settings

You can save the modified display properties as well as other configuration settings as a template and use them on other computers: Open the Options menu and click the Export GUI Settings entry. The 'Export GUI Settings' dialog box opens where other user-defined program settings are available for selection in addition to the display properties.

After clicking OK, the 'Select file' Windows dialog box appears. Define the storage location and enter a file name. With the Save button, the configuration file is created in the * .rsc.gui format.

To import the configuration on another computer, open the Options menu and click the Import GUI Settings entry. In the 'Select file' Windows dialog box, set the configuration file and click Open.

In the 'Import GUI Settings' dialog box, specify which settings you want to import (see image image027561 Specifying the Configuration ). Click OK to apply the settings.

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