
Extend or trim lines/elements

You can adjust the length of a line or an element using a dialog box. This not only allows you to change the length in general, but also to continue the line or element to another object.
To do this, right-click the line or element to open the object context menu. There you select the function Extend/Trim Line or Extend/Trim Element. Alternatively, you can call up the function for extending/trimming lines/elements in the Tools menu.

The following options are available in the 'Extend/trim with' list:

  • Length: Changes the total length of the line or element to the user-defined dimension.
  • Offset: Extends/shortens one or both sides of the line or element by the offset dimension Δ. A negative value shortens the side(s).
  • To the next element/line: Causes an extension to the closest element or line that forms an intersection with the straight line of the element or line.
  • To the selected element: Extends the line or element to another element, the number of which can be specified or defined graphically with the Select Individually button. The plumb point on the element is defined by the ' distance '.
  • To the selected line: Extends the line or the element to another line, the number of which can be specified or defined graphically with the Select Individually button. The plumb point on the line is defined by the ' distance '.
  • To place: Extends the line or element to any point, the coordinates of which can be specified or defined graphically with the Select Individually button.
  • To the selected point: Extends the line or element to a point, the number of which can be specified or defined graphically with the Select Individually button.

Specify in the list 'Line side to be modified' or 'Element side to be modified' in which direction the length change is to be made:

  • Both: results in an adjustment on both sides. Either the total length L is related to the center of the line or element, or the line or element is extended on both sides by the offset Δ - or up to the next two lines or elements.
  • Start: The length of the line or the element is only adjusted on the side of the starting point.
  • End: The length of the line or the element is only adjusted on the side of the end point.

The line or element orientations are displayed in the model graphic.

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